News ID: 1806
Publish Date : 03 February 2018 - 09:49

History Of Iran's Motorcycle Industry

Iran’s motorcycle industry had lots of challenges during the past 40 years and after the revolution. Also, air pollution and its relation with old motorcycle is because of these challenges.
By reviewing the motorcycle industry from revolution to now, we face different multi time periods and actions. These time periods contain different happenings and it can be divided to early 70s, 70s, 80s and 90s (Iranian calendar).

*Early 70s

With no doubt, all economic experts believe that revolutions have bad effects on the economy and industry. During this time Iran was affected by disadvantages of the revolution and the economy was rebuilding. Meanwhile, motorcycle industry, which was full governmental was facing lots of requests and the government was thinking about it.


Motorcycle industry continued its life till the middle 70s and it was fully governmental like the auto industry. A few governmental companies were holding the entire industry while the private sector was out of the field. At the end of these years, foreign trading eased for the motorcycle industry and the industry find its way and it was a start for the private sector to enter the motorcycle industry.

As the private sector starts its action, competition between companies became bolder. The sign of this competition was obvious in the "Niro Mohareke" because the competition was hot between the company and governmental companies. Governmental companies during this period of time were NIro Mohareke which IDRO has the most share of it, Iran Do Charkh and Tizro which was under control of Bonyad Mostazafan and had a Japanese partner called Honda.

After the foreign trading eased, especially with china, most of the subsidiaries and representatives became the governmental companies' competitors. The privatization was alongside the importation of motorcycle engine from china. Companies became more familiar with importing engines and the government was encouraging them by giving facilities. Chinese companies gave their best facilities to Iranian companies, for example, companies could pay only 10 percent of the money for clearance and the rest could be paid by installments

*producing first local engines by Niro Mohareke

In the middle of the 70s (Iranian calendar) Niro Mohareke which was belong to IDRO, expand its factory in Qazvin and started to produce local engines by modern equipment and machineries. Niro Mohareke engines were standard and they had better options than imported engines and it was very good at the beginning, but the rate of importation was too high and the price difference was egregious, so the request for local engine motorcycles decreased and Niro Mohareke pushed out of the ring.

The government decision to ease the foreign trade was a solution to cover the need of the market. Easing the foreign trade was only for covering the number of requests, but other advantages of it never considered.
This thing just removed the monopolized atmosphere around the motorcycle industry, however, it wasn’t completely out of problems but it mad competition in the market. The procedure didn’t go well and it didn’t end with the cooperation of Iranian companies and foreign partners to produce various models.


At the current time, we are facing with the plan of electrifying motorcycles. Governmental organizations are emphasizing on this plan whenever the pollution rise, but they just forgot everything after the first wind and rain.

Air pollution is threatening peoples’ health in big cities and schools of Tehran closed several times due this problem in the winter. Statistics have shown that motorcycles are playing a great role in air pollution. It is interesting to mention that those foreign carburetor engines which imported during the 70s are the main suspects of big city's air pollution.

Now, we have to wait and watch the reaction of the government about the carburetor motorcycles which are tools of living for part of people in the city. Also, the government should make a decision for the motorcycle industry and people who need fresh air.

Khodrocar Reporter: Fazel Suri

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani